Sevita Locations in Akron, OH

REM Ohio Akron - In Home Health Services
470 Portage Lakes Dr.Suite 207 Akron, OH 44319
REM Ohio helps people with disabilities and other challenges live their best lives through in-home care, day services, and more.
Adults (21+)Specialty:
Nursing & Medical Care, Behavioral Health, Residential Services, In-Home Supports, Day & Vocational Programs, Autism Services
Akron Foster Care Services by Ohio MENTOR
567 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road Akron, OH 44319Our Ohio MENTOR program serves children and families with unique challenges.
Children (Newborn-21)Specialty:
Foster Care- Therapeutic foster care

Ohio MENTOR by Sevita - Behavioral Health Services
567 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road Akron, OH 44319Our Ohio MENTOR program serves children and families with unique challenges with services including behavioral health supports and more.
Children (Newborn-21)Specialty:
Behavioral Health
REM Ohio of Akron - Services for People with Disabilities
3333 Manchester RoadSuite 9 & 10, 11 & 12 Akron, OH 44319
REM Ohio helps people with disabilities and other challenges live their best lives through in-home care, day services, and more.